Toilet Game Studies

The International Journal of Game Toilet Research

Volume 1 issue 1
November 2017

Our Mission - To explore the rich wealth of game (both digital & analog) toilets; to give scholars a peer-reviewed forum for their ideas and theories on virtual toilets; to provide an academic channel for the ongoing discussions on toilets in gaming.

Toilet Game Studies is a non-profit, open-access, crossdisciplinary journal dedicated to research of toilets within the medium of games, web-published several times a year at

📌 Why Toilets?
by. Steven Harmon
This article examines reasons of interest in video game toilets by means of Survey and a variety of individual interviews with game toilet experts. Additionally addresses game toilets as improving player immersion, changing player & developer expectation, and inclusivity within the gendered and de-gendered spaces of a bathroom. Moreover examines the role of the modern day toilet within our lives both in game and out of.
Toilet Personified : An Interview with Cí Malone
by. Steven Harmon
This article dives into toilets as a character, technical aspects of toilet photogrammetry, the sweet spot for interactivity with toilets, and scope creep.
996 Tech: The Great Equalizer
by. Steven Harmon
This article narrows in on the connection between toilets and personal freedoms.
An Interview with Michelle Gold
by. Steven Harmon
This article explores the future of spatial computing and its intersection with toilets.
Toilets of Hardline
by. Steven Harmon
This article examines the perspective of an environmental artist's experiences with creating game toilets.
The Toilet Problem
by. Steven Harmon
This article provides insight on the thought process of a game designer when approaching toilets.
Call for Entries
by. Steven Harmon
We're open and welcome to submissions from scholars from a variety of backgrounds, including but not limited to those from (non-toilet) game studies, queer studies, science and technology studies, cultural studies, and beyond. Please submit!